They were probably the shiny coat, said it takes 100 strokes every night and pull a gray hair will grow only lead to two more, right? Applicants nice line in all of us have done our share of urban legends when it comes to hair care products. But experts say that they do not believe everything you hear.
Myth: Brushing 100 times stops at the day your hair healthy false: If you ask, Kenneth Tepper, star stylist at Pierre Michel Salon in New York, makes frequent brushing natural oils from your scalp to dry the ends of the hair, if necessary, but excessive brushing can lead to breakage. Avoid 100 races and go for about 15 to 20. There will be more than enough, says Tepper. And always 100 percent natural boar bristle brush, never pull and Art
Myth: Stress makes your hair fall OutTrue: stress reduces blood flow to the scalp and the scalp needs healthy blood flow. Said expert analysis and asked if I was under stress, he stood up. I just had my hair professionally analyzed, says Tepper There! I live in New York. Who is not stressed? Tepper is then a lock of her hair, bent under the microscope showed that at the roots -. infallible indicator of stress So, eat well and stress, or it appears in your hair!
Myth: Shampoo daily keeps hair clean and healthy false: Nothing could be further from the truth, Tepper. Very greasy hair needs a wash daily, others need a way to style your shampoo through the ends do not update to find deprive of essential oils. Try to wash and air-conditioning every other day instead of shampooing every day.
Myth: The pool is your hair green true: But only if you are a blonde. Chlorine can be a lighter green hair dye anxiety - especially if your hair is starting to dry. To avoid this, apply conditioner to hair before diving in the cuticle, then seal that their lines will not absorb harmful chemicals.

Myth: The ingredients such as seeds, eggs, mayonnaise and olive oil of the best in his ConditionersFalse: may be keeping home remedies in the refrigerator in the room and away from your hair, said Tepper While the addition of moisture of any kind of advantage, and the type of. pharmacy care substances such as amino acids and keratin, which are best for your hair. In addition, proteins and egg mayonnaise oil molecules too large to fit in your hair.
Myth: Hair dye in pregnancy is BadTrue: All about the dyes are not recommended, especially during the first trimester of pregnancy, because the chemicals can enter your system. Stressed, however, do not touch the scalp, there is no absorption in the body. To be sure, just outside the scalp, highlights or low points, if you choose the color, Garrido Marcos estate reports Hall in New York Marcos Garrido.
Myth: Cold water makes hair ShinyTrue: A Cold Rinse closes the hair cuticle so that you can better reflect the light, so they turn to thoughts of hot and cold shower!
Myth: ContagiousFalse shed is: Most people do not really have dandruff, flaky scalp have a cold and too hot at home. It's a dry scalp, not a virus or an infection, said Garrison.
Myth: Standing on your head makes your hair grow FasterTrue: Get more blood flow to your scalp is always good, but could be better achieved by massaging the scalp. You can fall and injure yourself, then who cares how long your hair, said Tepper.
Myth: Shaving the head will grow hair FasterFalse: Going for a GI Jane look you are not thick locks, fast growth, then the knife. When the head is shaved, your hair will grow back together and all the same length, making it appear thicker, but it is not. Even if you do not remove, do not cut the hair grow faster.
Myth: Plucking white hair grow cause more than false: Only you pluck bald. The hair is destroyed, if it happens again and again, after Garrison. You want to keep gray hair, one day, that it!
Myth: You dye your hair red and you have more SexTrue: Blondes Have More Fun, but redheads have more sex, according to a study. Once you go red, ever, you can change the head!
Myth: The use of vodka in the sun in your hair will lighten ItFalse: drinking place, said Garrison. Do not waste the disappointing results.