Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Female Hair Loss: Causes hairfall

Up to 30 million women suffer hair loss, well below women and thinning hair, according to the American Academy of Dermatology.

As unsettling as it can be for everyone, for women, hair loss can truly devastating.

want  men have hair. Women should have hair,  said Dr. Michael Reed, a dermatologist in Manhattan, the clinical director of hair loss and hair transplant clinic at NYU, New York University and author of  Hair loss women: The hidden epidemic.

Woman, hair loss pattern (androgenetic alopecia) This type of hair loss genetic and can be accessed at any time after puberty, with an increasing incidence with age. In fact, 50 percent of all women with this form of hair loss at some point in their lives, especially after 40 years. Although this condition can not be pre-determined in our genes, factors such as stress, drugs, pills or hormones can initiate the process of thinning.

physiologic telogen effluvium (Hurling), especially among women, this type of hair loss is usually an underlying cause disadvantages in the context of genetics. An excessive number of hair follicles may stop growing suddenly due to pregnancy, illness or surgery. It can also be caused by hormonal changes, anemia or a thyroid imbalance.

Hair loss (alopecia allergic) This condition is characterized by the appearance of stains  bald. It can be caused by an allergic reaction in the body or an imbalance in the immune system. It can be limited and resolve without treatment or can be generalized.

Other types of hair loss can traction alopecia, hair loss, such as in connection with the hairstyle, with strict braid, pull over, weaving and hair extensions. There are also a number of conditions, which caused less common fungal infections, scalp disorders, treatment chemicals and inflammation.
 Cobra Spencer, founder of the American Association nationally syndicated radio host and hair loss of  The brutal truth  told us that hair loss in women is a much greater significance than believed.

The industry is moving 3.5 billion U.S. dollars,  said cobra. And while many environmental factors can contribute to hair loss, simply  by moving a switch on the genetics.  Importance, stress, sleep and diet is unlikely that the cause of the problem. If you suffer from hair loss in their genes, what will happen. But there are solutions that can slow or sometimes stop s for a moment.

The goal, Kobra, said the root of the problem and try to get.

Hair loss solutions, a wider range of medical and surgical options and medications, including the replacement of hair, hair restoration, laser treatment, topical creams and some birth control pills. Lifestyle can also contribute to food to reduce supplements, exercise and stress, but only if these factors contribute to hair loss in the first place.

Be with demands that you see on infomercials and in magazines carefully back 99 percent of them do not work for Cobra.

to beware also of testosterone. When moving our hormones and age, we can drop the natural level, take too much testosterone can cause hair loss.

To make an accurate diagnosis and the best solution for your hair loss, it is best to talk to a trusted internist, gynecologist or an endocrinologist.  The physician should always be the first line of defense,  said cobra.

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